martes, 15 de octubre de 2013


I woke up to go shopping i was exited but i also was really tired because of the flight. But when i started to think about buying clothes i didn't fell tired anymore. We drove to the school with Anna because that was our meting point and then the yellow bus would pick us up to take us to the mall. When i got there they gave me a phone so that i could communicate with all my friends and also with the family that is hosting me. The bus arrived and later we got to the mall.
The shopping was huge and there were a lot of stuff that i wanted to do. We separate in groups and started buying things. Then we met at Subway and we did 3 more hours of shopping. The bus picked us up and took us to the school again. There was a soccer game in the school so we stayed and watch it. When thee game ended we ate pizza at the school with everyone and had a great time. At 12pm we left and got to anna's house to sleep for the next day that was our first day of school.


Me desperto Anna,tuvimos un gran desayuno con panqueques,panceta y huevos revueltos, no podia comer mas. Cuando terminamos de comer fuimos al colegio porque nos ibamos a reunir con todos para ir al shoppping. El coletivo amarillo nos iba a llevar ahi pero todos nos teniamos que juntar antes en el colegio.
Cuando llegamos me dieron un celular para poder comunicarme con mis amigos y la familia que me aloja. El celular se sacaba por sorteo y a mi me toco uno de los peores...
Llego el colectivo y lugo de una hora y media de viaje llegamos al shopping. Estaba muy entusiasmada habia muchas cosas que queria comprar. Nos dividimos en grupos y despues de un tiempo nos juntamos para comer en Subway. Cuando terminamos hicimos unas tres horas mas de shopping y despues el colectivo nos paso a buscar para llevarnos al colegio en donde habia un partido de football. Cuando terminamos de verlo habia una reunion con pizza y ensalada y todos comimos juntos. Despues de un dia muy largo volvimos con Anna a poder descansar.

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