domingo, 20 de octubre de 2013


Today we went downtown. First we went to the sky deck tower and it was amazing. It was SO tall and i took a lot of pictures in there. Later they gave us free time so we could go shopping and eat something. I went with Camila to MacDonald and later we went to Forever 21 we stayed in there for an hour and i bought a lot of things. I didn't realize the time so Camila and me where late and everyone was waiting for us. I apologize for that...
Then we went to see a soccer game and all the host parents made us a really traditional meal and i loved it. I had a lot of fun. Then we went to see the soccer game and we started a WAVE it was amazing. Then we went to Anna's house because we were really tired!

Hoy fuimos al centro. Primero fuimos al Sky Deck y estubo barbaro. Era MUY alto y me saque  un montón de fotos. Más tarde nos dieron tiempo libre para poder ir a comprar ropa y  comer algo. Fui con Camila y despues fuimos a Forever 21 estubimos ahi  una hora y me compre un montón de cosas. No me di cuenta de la hora con Camila y era tarde y todo el mundo nos estaba esperando. Perdon por eso ...
Despues fuimos a ver un partido de fútbol y todos los papas de los que alojaban nos hiceron una comida muy  tradicional de ahi y me encantó. La pase muy bien. Despues nos fuimos a ver el partido de fútbol y empezamos la OLA  fue increíble. Luego fuimos a la casa de Anna porque estábamos muy cansadas.

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